Ticket #10660: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.4 KB (added by deric@…, 18 years ago)


1# $Id: $
3PortSystem 1.0
4PortGroup python24 1.0
5name             py-icalendar
6version          0.11
7categories       python
8maintainers      deric@caveo.se
9description      The iCalendar package is a parser/generator of RFC 2445 iCalendar files.
10long_description The inspiration has come from the email package in the standard lib, which I think is pretty simple, yet efficient and \
11                 powerful. The package can both generate and parse iCalendar files, and can easily be used as is. \
12                 The aim is to make a package that is fully compliant to RFC 2445, well designed, simple to use and well documented.
13homepage         http://codespeak.net/icalendar/
14master_sites     ${homepage}
15distname         iCalendar-${version}
16extract.suffix   .tgz
17worksrcdir       iCalendar
18checksums        md5 5d8668b5754082b2d2c7e5901013bfba \
19                 sha1 3aabac08dcefd18dd8a1460ad11a0ca108d81fcb \
20                 rmd160 f31713d5b41874c93a1389aadc0a1a60ef07e6ca
22post-destroot {
23    # install docs
24    xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath}/ CHANGES.txt CREDITS.txt HISTORY.txt INSTALL.txt LICENSE.txt README.txt TODO.txt \
25    ${destroot}/${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
27    xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath}/doc example.txt groupscheduled.ics groupscheduled.txt multiple.ics multiple.txt small.ics small.txt \
28    ${destroot}/${prefix}/share/doc/${name}