Ticket #10779: Portfile.diff

File Portfile.diff, 1.2 KB (added by wyuenho (Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong), 18 years ago)

new Portfile.diff for Premake 3.2

  • Portfile

    old new  
    1 # $Id: Portfile,v 1.2 2005/09/13 06:57:44 olegb Exp $
     1# $Id: $
    33PortSystem 1.0
    44name            premake
    5 version         1.5
     5version         3.2
    66categories      devel
    7 maintainers     darwinports@opendarwin.org
     7maintainers     macports@macports.org
    88description     Premake is a build script generator.
    99long_description        Premake is a build script generator. Describe your \
    1010                        project using the full-featured Lua scripting language \
    11                         and use premake to create input files
     11                        and use premake to create input files for various IDEs \
     12      and GnuMake
    1213platforms       darwin
    1314homepage        http://premake.sourceforge.net/
    1415master_sites    sourceforge
    1516distname        ${name}-src-${version}
    1617use_zip         yes
    17 checksums       md5 9bf8baefcdbc5dd6d879c9335f355485
     18checksums       md5 6848ae083ad944fef788978ce7670cd9
    1819worksrcdir      Premake-${version}
    1920use_configure   no
    20 patchfiles      patch_posix.c patch_Premake.make
    2222destroot        {
    23                 file copy ${worksrcpath}/premake ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/
    24                 }
     23                file copy ${worksrcpath}/bin/premake ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/