Ticket #11090: offlineimap-4.0.15.patch

File offlineimap-4.0.15.patch, 1.1 KB (added by tristan@…, 18 years ago)

patch to upgrade to 4.0.16 (the file is still called 4.0.15 so that it would overwrite the previous version)

  • Portfile

    old new  
    44PortGroup python24 1.0
    66name                    offlineimap
    7 version                 4.0.11
     7version                 4.0.16
    88categories              mail python
    99maintainers             hugo@larve.net
    1010# The following were borrowed from the Debian package.
    3030                          support\
    3131                        In short, OfflineIMAP is a tool to let you read mail\
    3232                        how YOU want to.
    33 homepage                gopher://erwin.complete.org/1/devel/offlineimap
    34 master_sites            http://gopher.quux.org:70/devel/offlineimap/
     33homepage                http://software.complete.org/offlineimap
     34master_sites    http://software.complete.org/offlineimap/static/download_area/${version}/
    3535distname                ${name}_${version}
    3636worksrcdir              ${name}
    37 checksums               md5 41af0924d5e19480377616f4b1d059e1
     37checksums               md5 3de813eec9afa373006ac5cad7299389
     39# tarball has two files TODO and todo which confuses
     40# non-case-sensitive filesystems
     41# it also contains some leftover build files
     42extract.post_args       | tar -xf - --exclude ${name}/TODO --exclude build
    3944destroot.target         install --no-compile