Ticket #11191: patch-Portfile.diff

File patch-Portfile.diff, 1.2 KB (added by cssdev, 18 years ago)

I bumped the version and checksums and updated dependencies. I removed the depencies added from #10478 since they're completely unused by this particular build. My dependency checking did reveal three new dependencies on coreutils, pkgconfig, and texinfo, so they have all been added to the Portfile.

  • Portfile

    33PortSystem 1.0
    44name            emacs-app
    5 version         23.0.0_NS-9.0pre3
     5version         23.0.0_NS-9.0rc1
    66categories      aqua editors
    77maintainers     css@macports.org
    88description     The GNU Emacs text editor (Cocoa version)
    2323distname        emacs-${version}
    2424extract.suffix  .tar.bz2
    2525use_bzip2       yes
    26 checksums       md5 12ff9195cd037d53965a08c20cef04c4
     26checksums       md5 9f2a23cd8f0eccb1a13a1adfd32bb8dc \
     27                sha1 ae4c3e16be25728889f571bf7bc93731f52d6607
    28 depends_lib     lib:libjpeg:jpeg \
    29                 lib:libtiff:tiff \
    30                 lib:libungif:libungif \
    31                 lib:libpng:libpng
     29depends_lib     port:coreutils \
     30                port:pkgconfig \
     31                port:texinfo
    3333# The current distribution contains its own build script, so use that
    3434# rather than trying to manually manage the various steps of the build
    5555# into the source directory, the destroot phase must manually copy the
    5656# resulting application package.
     58pre-configure {
     59        reinplace "s|--with-ns|--with-ns --without-freetype|g" ${worksrcpath}/nextstep/compile
    5862destroot {
    5963        xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}/Applications/MacPorts
    6064        file copy ${worksrcpath}/nextstep/build/Emacs.app \