Ticket #11223: Portfile

File Portfile, 808 bytes (added by gui-dos (Guido Soranzio), 18 years ago)
1# $Id: $
3PortSystem 1.0
4PortGroup       python24 1.0
6name            py-archmage
7version         0.0.7
8categories      python textproc
9description     Extensible reader/decompiler of files in CHM format
10long_description        \
11                ArCHMage is the extensible reader/decompiler of files \
12                in CHM format (Microsoft HTML help, also known as \
13                Compiled HTML). ArCHMage is based on chmlib by Jed \
14                Wing and is written in Python.
15maintainers     guido.soranzio@gmail.com
16homepage        http://archmage.sourceforge.net/
17master_sites    sourceforge:archmage
18distname        archmage-${version}
19checksums       md5 7535427b04c6f6f504ecd2fccc6dd268
20depends_lib     port:py-chm
21post-extract    {
22        reinplace "s|/usr/share|${prefix}/share|" ${worksrcpath}/arch.conf
23        reinplace "s|/etc|${prefix}/etc|" ${worksrcpath}/archmod/CHM.py
24        reinplace "s|/etc|etc|" ${worksrcpath}/setup.py