Ticket #11271: tclcurl-7.16.0.diff

File tclcurl-7.16.0.diff, 1.8 KB (added by pipping@…, 18 years ago)

version bump, got rid of (now obsolete) patch, dependency tcl added, checksums added, whitespace cleanup, svn-diff-format

  • dports/devel/tclcurl/Portfile

    11# $Id$
    33PortSystem 1.0
    4 name             tclcurl
    5 version          0.14.1
    6 categories       devel
    7 maintainers      toby@opendarwin.org
    8 description      Tcl binding for libcurl
     4name            tclcurl
     5version         7.16.0
     6categories      devel
     7maintainers     toby@opendarwin.org
     8description     Tcl binding for libcurl
    99long_description \
    10     The TclCurl extension gives Tcl programmers access to the libcurl \
    11     library written by Daniel Stenberg, with it you can download urls, \
    12     upload them and many other neat tricks.
    13 platforms        darwin
    14 set urlbase      http://personal1.iddeo.es/andresgarci/tclcurl/
    15 homepage         ${urlbase}english/
    16 master_sites     ${urlbase}download/tarball/
    17 distname         TclCurl-${version}
    18 checksums        sha1 44ac77f871e4bf926fe427bd63b362e1a1348608
    19 depends_lib      port:curl
    20 patchfiles       patch-configure
    21 configure.args   --exec-prefix=${prefix} \
    22                  --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
    23                  --enable-threads
     10        The TclCurl extension gives Tcl programmers access to the libcurl \
     11        library written by Daniel Stenberg, with it you can download urls, \
     12        upload them and many other neat tricks.
     13platforms       darwin
     14set urlbase     http://personal1.iddeo.es/andresgarci/tclcurl/
     15homepage        ${urlbase}english/
     16master_sites    ${urlbase}download/tarball/
     17distname        TclCurl-${version}
     18checksums       md5 d4abde06fa154363f2142d5fa5aedff0 \
     19                sha1 fceac14aa0290dea8aecccc8d813b45435aad933 \
     20                rmd160 b4660466cb6bf9bd7708b50cadf2372141bda0fa
     21depends_lib     port:curl port:tcl
     22configure.args  --exec-prefix=${prefix} \
     23                --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
     24                --enable-threads