Ticket #11317: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.3 KB (added by ehainry@…, 18 years ago)


1PortSystem 1.0
2name            weechat
3version         0.2.3
4categories      irc
5maintainers     ehainry@free.fr
6description     Fast, light & extensible IRC client
7long_description        \
8    WeeChat (Wee Enhanced Environment for Chat) is a fast and light IRC client\
9     for many operating systems. Everything can be done with a keyboard.\
10     It is customizable and extensible with plugins/scripts, and includes:\
11      - nicklist\
12      - smart hotlist\
13      - infobar with highlight notification\
14      - horizontal and vertical split\
15      - double charset support (decode/encode)\
16      - FIFO pipe for remote control\
17      - and much more!
18homepage        http://weechat.flashtux.org/
19platforms       darwin
20master_sites    ${homepage}download/
21checksums       md5 12c39b30988d78e9544acda6e518476f \
22                sha1 8a12d63cecc4c2a06d663503f5f9bc7d755396bc
23depends_lib     port:gettext port:libiconv port:ncurses
24configure.env   CFLAGS=-I${prefix}/include CPPFLAGS=-I${prefix}/include LDFLAGS=-L${prefix}/lib
25configure.args  --without-debug --disable-wxwidgets --disable-ruby --disable-python --disable-gtk --enable-plugins --disable-lua --disable-gnutls
26use_bzip2       yes
27variant tls {
28        configure.args-delete --disable-gnutls
29        configure.args-append --enable-gnutls
30        depends_lib-append    port:gnutls
32variant perl {
33        configure.args-append --enable-perl
34        depends_lib-append    port:perl5.8