Ticket #11366: Portfile

File Portfile, 931 bytes (added by roederja@…, 18 years ago)
1# $Id: Portfile 20416 2006-11-03 02:15:53Z jberry@macports.org $
3PortSystem 1.0
5name                drill
6version             1.1.0
7categories          net devel
8platforms           darwin
9maintainers         roederja@student.ethz.ch
10description         A dig style dnssec aware dns debugging tool
11long_description    Drill is a tool ala dig from BIND. \
12                    It was designed with DNSSEC in mind and should be a useful \
13                    debugging/query tool for DNSSEC.
15homepage            http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/dnssec/drill.html
16master_sites        http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/downloads/
17distfiles           ldns-${version}${extract.suffix}
18checksums           sha1 1ef632f343ee9b424be035ece4acd526f0d9c21c
19depends_lib         port:openssl port:ldns
20worksrcdir          ldns-${version}/drill
21use_autoconf        yes
22autoconf.cmd        autoreconf
23configure.args      --with-ldns=${prefix} --with-ssl=${prefix}