Ticket #11371: diffstat_1.41_1.43_diffs.patch

File diffstat_1.41_1.43_diffs.patch, 849 bytes (added by mdickens@…, 18 years ago)

Patch to fix and upgrade the Portfile of 'diffstat' from 1.41 to 1.43.

  • Portfile

    old new  
    33PortSystem 1.0
    44name                    diffstat
    5 version                 1.41
     5version                 1.43
    66categories              devel
    77maintainers             tim@ccc.de
    88description             Make histogram from diff-output
    1212homepage                http://dickey.his.com/diffstat/diffstat.html
    1313platforms               darwin
    1414master_sites            ftp://invisible-island.net/diffstat/
    15 extract.suffix          .tgz
    16 checksums               md5 c4a55fea8f94dbd1664f76c98da4ee17
     15distname                ${name}
     16worksrcdir              ${name}-${version}
     17checksums               md5 c23f9af8075fd81e98a0afdc3df49de9
    1718configure.args          --mandir=${prefix}/share/man
    1920test.run                yes