Ticket #11432: Portfile.diff

File Portfile.diff, 984 bytes (added by gui-dos (Guido Soranzio), 18 years ago)
  • Portfile

    old new  
    22PortSystem 1.0
    44name            gmime
    5 version         2.1.9
     5version         2.2.4
    66description     MIME mail utilities
    77long_description  The GMime suite provides a core library and set of utilities \
    88                  which may be used for the creation and parsing of messages \
    1313categories      mail
    1414platforms       darwin
    1515homepage        http://spruce.sourceforge.net/gmime/
    16 master_sites    http://spruce.sourceforge.net/gmime/sources/v2.1/
    17 checksums       md5 8bd24a56d5f56be9150deb9840a0812a
     16master_sites    http://spruce.sourceforge.net/gmime/sources/v2.2/
     17checksums       md5 dd86578d15138596fae2bfe04d392f33
    1818depends_lib     bin:pkg-config:pkgconfig \
    1919                lib:libiconv:libiconv \
    2020                lib:libglib.2:glib2
     22post-extract {
     23                reinplace "s|unsigned long int uint32_t|unsigned int uint32_t|" ${worksrcpath}/zentimer.h
    2226configure.args  --prefix=${prefix}