Ticket #11561: bzr-0.14.patch

File bzr-0.14.patch, 2.8 KB (added by skymoo (Adam Mercer), 18 years ago)

patch to update to 0.14

  • files/patch-setup.py

    1 --- setup.py.orig       2006-10-27 18:52:02.000000000 +0200
    2 +++ setup.py    2006-10-27 19:31:56.000000000 +0200
    3 @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
     1--- setup.py.orig       2007-03-14 23:14:14.000000000 -0400
     2+++ setup.py    2007-03-14 23:14:44.000000000 -0400
     3@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
    44 else:
    55     # std setup
    66     ARGS = {'scripts': ['bzr'],
  • Portfile

    11# $Id: Portfile 22478 2007-03-02 05:16:40Z pipping@macports.org $
    3 PortSystem 1.0
    4 PortGroup  python24 1.0
     3PortSystem    1.0
     4PortGroup     python24 1.0
    6 name                    bazaar-ng
    7 version                 0.12
    8 categories              devel python
    9 platforms               darwin
    10 maintainers             nomaintainer@macports.org
     6name          bazaar-ng
     7version       0.14
     8categories    devel python
     9platforms     darwin
     10maintainers   ramercer@gmail.com openmaintainer@macports.org
    1212description             Python implementation of the GNU arch RCS protocol by Canonical
    1313long_description        Bazaar-NG is an implementation of GNU arch from Canonical \
    14                         written in Python. Arch is a version control system, which allows \
    15                         you to keep old versions of files and directories (usually source \
    16                         code), keep a log of who, when, and why changes occurred, etc., \
    17                         like SVN, CVS, or RCS. Arch is distributed, which gives it \
    18                         significant advantages and some disadvantages compared to SVN and \
    19                         CVS. The bzr implementation is the next Bazaar version from \
    20                         Canonical called Bazaar-NG.
     14    written in Python. Arch is a version control system, which allows \
     15    you to keep old versions of files and directories (usually source \
     16    code), keep a log of who, when, and why changes occurred, etc., \
     17    like SVN, CVS, or RCS. Arch is distributed, which gives it \
     18    significant advantages and some disadvantages compared to SVN and \
     19    CVS. The bzr implementation is the next Bazaar version from \
     20    Canonical called Bazaar-NG.
    22 homepage                http://bazaar-vcs.org/
    23 master_sites            ${homepage}/releases/src/
    24 distname                bzr-${version}
    25 checksums               sha1 5678e85702c68096acede28fb4d8cf95d2115ef8
    26 patchfiles              patch-setup.py
     22homepage      http://bazaar-vcs.org/
     23master_sites  ${homepage}/releases/src/
     24distname      bzr-${version}
     25checksums     sha1 90c6278b332f369585ca6db47b65c4e7c60d6a6f
     26patchfiles    patch-setup.py
    28 depends_lib-append      port:py-celementtree
     28depends_lib-append  port:py-celementtree \
     29    port:py-paramiko\
     30    port:py-crypto
    30 test.run                yes
    31 test.cmd                make
    32 test.target             check
     32test.run      yes
     33test.cmd      make
     34test.target   check
    3436post-destroot {
    3537        xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} HACKING INSTALL NEWS NEWS.developers \