Ticket #11574: Portfile

File Portfile, 877 bytes (added by lyle.johnson@…, 18 years ago)

Portfile for rasqal-0.9.13

1# $Id: Portfile 22478 2007-03-02 05:16:40Z pipping@macports.org $
3PortSystem 1.0
4name                rasqal
5version             0.9.13
6description         Raptor RDF Query Library
7long_description    Rasqal is an open source C library that handles Resource \
8                    Description Framework (RDF) query syntaxes, query \
9                    construction and query execution returning result \
10                    bindings. The supported query languages are SPARQL and RDQL.
11maintainers         lyle.johnson@gmail.com
12categories          www
13platforms           darwin
14distname            ${name}-${version}
15homepage            http://librdf.org/rasqal/
16master_sites        http://download.librdf.org/source/
17checksums           md5 5cbf3193bf473d1e35ee4539d1528b8b
18depends_lib         port:raptor
19configure.pre_args  --prefix=${prefix} --mandir=${prefix}/share/man