Ticket #11614: libssh-0.2.diff

File libssh-0.2.diff, 1.1 KB (added by pmq@…, 18 years ago)
  • Portfile

    33PortSystem 1.0
    55name            libssh
    6 version         0.11
    7 categories      devel security
     6version         0.2
     7categories      devel security net
    88maintainers     ron@oneinsane.net
    99description     an SSH library
    1010long_description        The ssh library was designed to be used by \
    1111                        programmers needing a working SSH implementation \
    1212                        by the mean of a library.
    14 homepage        http://0xbadc0de.be/?part=libssh
     14homepage        http://0xbadc0de.be/wiki/libssh:libssh
    1515master_sites    http://www.0xbadc0de.be/libssh
    1616extract.suffix  .tgz
    17 checksums       md5 ad703c4702646c83ca4fcace92c220d3 \
    18                 sha1 307430249ded90332c4ec77a264913b3bc93a648 \
    19                 rmd160 69c2cc00becb84a62555fe884345398f155815a4
     17checksums       md5 8a76c03579a3e27046e6bafe88ffd171 \
     18                sha1 bde7652da5a0f79127c3d5e4b9383d3a07619344 \
     19                rmd160 29b5d109f7962daa1f5e38197ff75b9603a39873
    21 patchfiles      patch-Makefile.in.diff \
    22                 patch-libssh-Makefile.in.diff \
    23                 patch-sample.c.diff
     21configure.env   CPPFLAGS=-I${prefix}/include LDFLAGS=-L${prefix}/lib
     22depends_lib     port:openssl port:zlib