Ticket #1179: Portfile.patch

File Portfile.patch, 2.4 KB (added by charlie@…, 21 years ago)


  • Portfile

    old new  
    11# $Id: Portfile,v 1.5 2003/03/06 22:10:21 fkr Exp $
    3 PortSystem 1.0
    4 name                    lftp
    5 version                 2.6.5
    6 revision                1
    7 categories              net
    8 maintainers             charlie@rubberduck.com
    9 description             Sophisticated file transfer program
     3PortSystem          1.0
     4name                lftp
     5version             2.6.9
     6revision            1
     7categories          net
     8maintainers         charlie@rubberduck.com
     9description         Sophisticated file transfer program
    1010long_description        LFTP is a shell-like command line ftp client. \
    11                         It is reliable: can retry operations and does reget automatically. \
    12                         It can do several transfers simultaneously in background. \
    13                         You can start a transfer in background and continue browsing \
    14                         the ftp site or another one. This all is done in one process. \
    15                         Background jobs will be completed in nohup mode if you exit \
    16                         or close modem connection. Lftp has reput, mirror, reverse \
    17                         mirror among its features.
    18 homepage                http://lftp.yar.ru/
    19 platforms               darwin freebsd
     11                    It is reliable: can retry operations and does reget automatically. \
     12                    It can do several transfers simultaneously in background. \
     13                    You can start a transfer in background and continue browsing \
     14                    the ftp site or another one. This all is done in one process. \
     15                    Background jobs will be completed in nohup mode if you exit \
     16                    or close modem connection. Lftp has reput, mirror, reverse \
     17                    mirror among its features.
     18homepage                    http://lftp.yar.ru/
     19platforms                   darwin freebsd
    2020master_sites            http://ftp.yars.free.net/pub/software/unix/net/ftp/client/lftp/ \
    21                         http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/system/network/file-transfer/
    22 checksums               md5 04169583d7ff5820370b45544ea6c922
    23 configure.args          --with-pic --disable-share --enable-static --without-ssl
     21                    http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/system/network/file-transfer/ \
     22                    ftp://metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/Incoming/
     23checksums           md5 1aded77cedac98ca44541a0ade246229
     24configure.args      --with-pic --disable-share --enable-static --without-ssl
     25configure.env       LDFLAGS="-lresolv"
    2527variant ssl {
    26         configure.args-append   --enable-ssl
     28    configure.args-append --enable-ssl