Ticket #12115: patch-Portfile.diff

File patch-Portfile.diff, 778 bytes (added by cssdev, 17 years ago)

Copy the site-start into the application bundle, then patch it to point toward the ${prefix}

  • Portfile

    33PortSystem 1.0
    44name            emacs-app
    55version         23.0.0_NS-9.0rc3
     6revision        1
    67categories      aqua editors
    78maintainers     css@macports.org
    89description     The GNU Emacs text editor (Cocoa version)
    7071        xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}/Applications/MacPorts
    7172        file copy ${worksrcpath}/nextstep/build/Emacs.app \
    7273                ${destroot}/Applications/MacPorts
     74        file copy ${filespath}/site-start.el \
     75                ${destroot}/Applications/MacPorts/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/site-lisp
     78post-destroot {
     79        reinplace "s|__PREFIX__|${prefix}|g" \
     80                ${destroot}/Applications/MacPorts/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/site-lisp/site-start.el