Ticket #1261: Portfile.3

File Portfile.3, 670 bytes (added by lomion@…, 21 years ago)

Fixing the destroot madness

1PortSystem 1.0
2name            rman
3version         3.2
4categories      textproc
5maintainers     lomion@mac.com
6description     Man page format converter
7long_description PolyglotMan takes formatted man pages from most of the popular flavours of UN*X and transforms them into any number of source formats. It can produce ASCII-only, section headers-only, TkMan, \[tn\]roff, Ensemble, SGML, HTML, LaTeX, RTF, Perl 5 POD.
8homepage        http://polyglotman.sourceforge.net/
9platforms       darwin
10master_sites    sourceforge:polyglotman
12checksums       md5 6d1d67641c6d042595a96a62340d3cc6
13patchfiles      patch-Makefile
15configure {}
16configure       { cd ${worksrcpath}
17                  reinplace "s|__DSTROOT|${destroot}${prefix}|g" Makefile }