Ticket #12950: p5-scalar-list-utils.Portfile.patch

File p5-scalar-list-utils.Portfile.patch, 1.0 KB (added by ghosthound, 16 years ago)

patch for p5-scalar-list-utils to go with perl5.8 @INC change

  • perl/p5-scalar-list-utils/Portfile

    1616platforms           darwin
    18 # Perl searches vendor location last, so this won't
    19 # override the older version included with perl
    20 # if we install it in the vendor location
    21 set perl5.lib       ${prefix}/lib/perl5/${perl5.version}
     18## # Perl searches vendor location last, so this won't
     19## # override the older version included with perl
     20## # if we install it in the vendor location
     21## set perl5.lib       ${prefix}/lib/perl5/${perl5.version}
    23 configure.args
     23## configure.args
    25 post-destroot {
    26     ui_msg "You must install or activate this package with '-f' (force) as it needs to overwrite files installed by the perl5.8 port"
    27 }
     25## post-destroot {
     26##     ui_msg "You must install or activate this package with '-f' (force) as it needs to overwrite files installed by the perl5.8 port"
     27## }