Ticket #12950: patch-p5-test-simple.diff

File patch-p5-test-simple.diff, 1.3 KB (added by MarcusCalhoun-Lopez (Marcus Calhoun-Lopez), 16 years ago)
  • Portfile

    1313                    sha1 b3a66d297459cf9ca6d952af8f87ceb3ad6c54a8 \
    1414                    rmd160 19a69e52d2d7cabd2df47aab976758bd4fd0846b
    16 # Perl searches vendor location last, so this won't
    17 # override the older version included with perl
    18 # if we install it in the vendor location
    19 set perl5.lib   ${prefix}/lib/perl5/${perl5.version}
    21 configure.args 
     17# Install into site_perl instead of vendor_perl.
     18set perl5.lib ${prefix}/lib/perl5/site_perl/${perl5.version}
     19configure.args INSTALLDIRS=site
     21# Prepend p5- to man pages to avoid conflict with perl modules.
    2322post-destroot {
    24     ui_msg "You must install or activate this package with '-f' (force) as it needs to overwrite files installed by the perl5.8 port"
     23    set dir ${prefix}/share/man/man3
     24    foreach fl [glob -tails -directory ${destroot}${dir} *] {
     25        set nfl  p5-${fl}
     26        move ${destroot}${dir}/${fl} ${destroot}${dir}/${nfl}
     27        fs-traverse file ${destroot}${perl5.lib} {
     28            if {[file tail ${file}] eq ".packlist"} {
     29                reinplace "s|${dir}/${fl}|${dir}/${nfl}|" ${file}
     30            }
     31        }
     32    }
    2735universal_variant   no