Ticket #12952: Portfile

File Portfile, 1005 bytes (added by ebgssth@…, 17 years ago)

Portfile for memcached client for Python

1# $Id$
2PortSystem        1.0
3PortGroup         python25 1.0
5name              py25-memcached
6version           1.40
7categories        python devel net
8maintainers       nomaintainer@macports.org
9description       Pure python memcached client
10long_description  This software is a 100% Python interface to the memcached \
11                 memory cache daemon.  It is the client side software which \
12                 allows storing values in one or more, possibly remote, \
13                 memcached servers.  Search google for memcached for more \
14                 information.
16homepage          http://www.tummy.com/Community/software/python-memcached/
17distname          python-memcached-${version}
18platforms         darwin
19master_sites      ftp://ftp.tummy.com/pub/python-memcached/
20checksums         md5 fa551479291679871ac64ab74d1a52d0 \
21                 sha1 9425ed7f59d6bbabb0405df2c078006adc708d26 \
22                 rmd160 171349a7e524a8a5d399c00c18d2c9461ed6de05
23depends_lib       port:python25