Ticket #13309: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.0 KB (added by lyle.johnson@…, 17 years ago)

Updated Portfile for rb-fxruby 1.6.13

1# $Id: Portfile 30093 2007-10-19 13:03:33Z afb@macports.org $
3PortSystem      1.0
4PortGroup       ruby 1.0
6ruby.setup          FXRuby 1.6.13 install.rb {README doc examples tests} \
7                    rubyforge:27718
8maintainers         lyle@lylejohnson.name
9description         Ruby bindings for the FOX GUI Toolkit.
10long_description    FXRuby is a Ruby extention module that provides an \
11                    interface to the FOX GUI library.
12categories-append   x11
13homepage            http://www.fxruby.org
14checksums           md5 34f9ff2e2bbaca7811f1f8f64ad17d8b \
15                    sha1 7cf17ccc1bf3ec6fc85cfcd4278147335093ca3b \
16                    rmd160 3f22158ef694d42ad1ed486e4dfa0a329bf79277
17platforms           darwin
18depends_lib-append  port:fox \
19                    port:fxscintilla
20configure.args      -- --with-fox-include=${prefix}/include/fox-1.6 \
21                    --with-fox-lib=${prefix}/lib \
22                    --with-fxscintilla-include=${prefix}/include/fxscintilla \
23                    --with-fxscintilla-lib=${prefix}/lib