Ticket #13478: Portfile_ngrep-1.45.diff

File Portfile_ngrep-1.45.diff, 879 bytes (added by macports@…, 17 years ago)

ngrep 1.45 portfile patch

  • (a) Portfile-1.44 vs. (b) Portfile

    a b  
    33PortSystem 1.0
    44name            ngrep
    5 version         1.44
     5version         1.45
    66categories      net
    77maintainers     grace@flipt.com
    88description     Network grep
    1414                        FDDI, Token Ring and null interfaces, and understands BPF filter \
    1515                        logic in the same fashion as more common packet sniffing tools, \
    1616                        like tcpdump and snoop.
     17homepage        http://ngrep.sourceforge.net
    1718platforms       darwin
    1819master_sites    sourceforge
    19 checksums               md5 8a142d74043609b09ed57d3baadb2fd6
    20 use_bzip2               yes
     20checksums       md5 bc8150331601f3b869549c94866b4f1c \
     21                sha1 f26090a6ac607db66df99c6fa9aef74968f3330f \
     22                rmd160 d4b89dfa23f6a7c65d3ccefc846362054a46605f
     23use_bzip2       yes
    2224depends_build   port:libpcap
    2325configure.args  --with-pcap-includes=${prefix}/include \
    2426                                --mandir=${prefix}/share/man