Ticket #13692: Portfile-logtalk.diff

File Portfile-logtalk.diff, 2.3 KB (added by pmoura (Paulo Moura), 17 years ago)
  • Portfile

    old new  
    1 # $Id: Portfile 31023 2007-11-14 02:46:55Z ryandesign@macports.org $
     1# $Id: Portfile 26918 2007-07-11 15:28:15Z gwright@macports.org $
    33PortSystem      1.0
    44name            logtalk
    5 version         2.30.8
     5version         2.31.0
    77categories      lang
    88maintainers     pmoura@logtalk.org
    2020homepage        http://logtalk.org/
    2121master_sites    ${homepage}files/
    23 checksums md5 b0f320850680a7456113fae3e2e86b01
     23checksums md5 a5cd3891ceb0274eede49dbdb00d08dc
    25 distname lgt2308
     25distname lgt[strsed ${version} {g/\.//}]
     26extract.suffix .tar.bz2
    2728use_bzip2 yes
    29 use_configure   no
     30configure       {}
    3132build           {}
    3334destroot        {
    34         cd ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/scripts
    35         system "./install.sh ${destroot}/${prefix}"
     35        system "cd ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/scripts && ./install.sh ${destroot}/${prefix}"
    3838post-pkg {
    4949        ui_msg "*  back-end Prolog compilers (which must be properly installed for running"
    5050        ui_msg "*  the scripts!):"
    5151        ui_msg "*"
    52         ui_msg "*    B-Prolog:       bplgt"
    53         ui_msg "*    CIAO:           ciaolgt"
     52        ui_msg "*    B-Prolog:       bplgt        (first run must use sudo)"
     53        ui_msg "*    CIAO:           ciaolgt      (first run must use sudo)"
    5454        ui_msg "*    CxProlog:       cxlgt"
    5555        ui_msg "*    ECLiPSe:        eclipselgt"
    5656        ui_msg "*    GNU Prolog:     gplgt"
    5858        ui_msg "*    Qu-Prolog:      qplgt"
    5959        ui_msg "*    SICStus Prolog: sicstuslgt"
    6060        ui_msg "*    SWI-Prolog:     swilgt"
    61         ui_msg "*    XSB:            xsblgt"
     61        ui_msg "*    XSB:            xsblgt       (first run must use sudo)"
     62        ui_msg "*    XSB (MT):       xsbmtlgt     (first run must use sudo)"
    6263        ui_msg "*    YAP:            yaplgt"
    6364        ui_msg "*"
    6465        ui_msg "* Remember to set the environment variable LOGTALKHOME to the path to"
    6566        ui_msg "* the Logtalk distribution: ${prefix}/share/logtalk"
    6667        ui_msg "* and the environment variable LOGTALKUSER to your local configuration"
    67         ui_msg "* directory (usually ~/logtalk), which you can create by running the"
     68        ui_msg "* directory (usually ~/logtalk), which you must create by running the"
    6869        ui_msg "* command cplgtdirs. See the file \$LOGTALKHOME/CUSTOMIZE.txt for details"
    6970        ui_msg "* on how to customize your working environment."
    7071        ui_msg "****************************************************************************"