Ticket #1372: patch-contrib-trytime-Makefile.in

File patch-contrib-trytime-Makefile.in, 649 bytes (added by opendarwin.org@…, 21 years ago)

additional patch file, should be located in net/rrdtool/files/

1--- contrib/trytime/Makefile.in.orig    Sun Jan  4 04:40:52 2004
2+++ contrib/trytime/Makefile.in Wed Jan  7 21:45:21 2004
3@@ -162,7 +162,11 @@
4 target_vendor = @target_vendor@
5 AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/src -I$(top_srcdir)/gd1.3
6 EXTRA_DIST = trytime.c
7-contribdir = $(prefix)/contrib/trytime
8+## XYZZY: hack for now, hard code our name and version into the
9+## contribdir path.  It'd be better to pick name and version up
10+## from automake/configure.
11+## contribdir = $(prefix)/contrib/trytime
12+contribdir = $(prefix)/share/rrdtool-${VERSION}/contrib/trytime
13 contrib_DATA = README trytime.c
14 bin_PROGRAMS = trytime
15 trytime_SOURCES = trytime.c