Ticket #13738: Portfile-gallery.patch

File Portfile-gallery.patch, 2.0 KB (added by chad@…, 17 years ago)
  • Portfile

    33PortSystem 1.0
    55name                    gallery
    6 version                 2.2.3
     6version                 2.2.4
    77categories              www
    88maintainers             ckieffer@gmail.com
    1010description             Gallery is a web based photo album written using PHP
    11 long_description        Gallery is a web based software product that lets you manage your \
    12                         photos on your own website. You must have your own website with PHP \
    13                         support in order to install and use it. With Gallery you can easily \
    14                         create and maintain albums of photos via an intuitive interface. Photo \
    15                         management includes automatic thumbnail creation, image resizing, \
    16                         rotation, ordering, captioning, searching and more. Albums can have \
    17                         read, write and caption permissions per individual authenticated user \
    18                         for an additional level of privacy. Give accounts to your friends and \
    19                         family and let them upload and manage their own photos on your \
    20                         website!
     11long_description        Gallery is a web-based software product that lets you manage your \
     12                        photos on your own website. Gallery requires that you have your own website \
     13                        with PHP support and a database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, and others). With Gallery \
     14                        you can easily create and maintain albums of photos via an intuitive interface. \
     15                        Photo management includes automatic thumbnail creation, image resizing, \
     16                        rotation, ordering, captioning, searching and more. Albums can have read, \
     17                        write, and caption permissions per individual authenticated user for an \
     18                        additional level of privacy. Give accounts to your friends and family and \
     19                        let them upload and manage their own photos on your website! Upgrade \
     20                        instructions are available at http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery2:Upgrading
    2222homepage                http://gallery.menalto.com
    2323master_sites            sourceforge
    2424distname                gallery-${version}-full
    25 checksums               md5 df5c1a6ecbf0b498417ceffc66fe5f3b
     25checksums               md5 35b43fe4d5450ca00613539377e073ea
    2626platforms               darwin freebsd
    2828depends_run             port:jhead \