Ticket #13749: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.1 KB (added by marc.blanchet@…, 17 years ago)

ports/net/asterisk Portfile

1# $Id$
3PortSystem 1.0
5name            asterisk
6version         1.4.17
7categories      net
8maintainers     marc.blanchet@viagenie.ca
9description     An Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit
10long_description Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit.  It \
11provides the ability to develop telephony applications on top of internet \
12telephony (Voice over IP) as well as traditional telephony connectivity (PSTN).
13platforms       darwin
14homepage        http://www.asterisk.org
15master_sites    http://downloads.digium.com/pub/asterisk/releases/
16checksums       md5 ff25f56d775858c4de619f2f59a55099 \
17                sha1 bc909e34a5d3c79009b90dac45be8c3c051e573c
18configure.args  --localstatedir=${prefix}/var --sysconfdir=${prefix}/etc
19build.env       ASTCFLAGS=-I${prefix}/include \
20                ASTLDFLAGS=-L${prefix}/lib
21depends_build   port:wget
22destroot.target-append samples
23destroot.post_args      OVERWRITE=n
24destroot.keepdirs   ${destroot}${prefix}/var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv \
25                    ${destroot}${prefix}/var/log/asterisk/cdr-custom
26post-activate {
27        puts stdout "\nStart: sudo ${prefix}/sbin/asterisk -C ${prefix}/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf -c\nStop: CLI> stop now\n"