Ticket #13924: Portfile-patch.diff

File Portfile-patch.diff, 1.3 KB (added by rsync@…, 17 years ago)
  • Portfile

    old new  
    33PortSystem 1.0
    55name            rsync-devel
    6 set date        20071217
    7 set time        1000
    8 version         3.0.0pre7
    9 epoch           1197881115
     6set date        20080114
     7set time        0800
     8version         3.0.0pre8
     9epoch           1200294609
    1010categories      net
    1111platforms       darwin freebsd sunos
    1212maintainers     rsync@reifferscheid.org
    1313description     tool that provides fast incremental file transfer
    1414long_description \
    15         http://rsync.samba.org/ftp/rsync/rsync-3.0.0pre7-NEWS \
     15        http://rsync.samba.org/ftp/rsync/rsync-3.0.0pre8-NEWS \
    1616        rsync 3.0.0 is going to be a feature release that has a number  \
    1717        of improvements. There has already been work done to lower      \
    1818        rsync's memory use, and make recursive transfers start up more  \
    3131homepage        http://samba.org/rsync/
    3232master_sites    http://rsync.samba.org/ftp/rsync/
    3333checksums \
    34   md5 601041c0243eea657af5191f249a5f91 \
    35   sha1 df2b75cf458f0b33247a7eb08e145bdaff552261 \
    36   rmd160 5280f717fb48d5b73297effcb27582d7110076a0
     34  md5 cb6a0042202c1ece2232e1cbb02b8052 \
     35  sha1 7ff394b118a93f58e2e11f26168dec40f3ad1e25 \
     36  rmd160 cf9f6d4879ee132f214c3a6c161957b9d5ad085d
    3838distname        rsync-${version}