Ticket #13983: Portfile

File Portfile, 772 bytes (added by misc@…, 17 years ago)
1# $Id$
2PortSystem 1.0
3PortGroup python25 1.0
5name patcher
6version 0.6
7categories devel
8maintainers misc@mandriva.org
9description A tool for quick creation of patches against a project source tree
10long_description Patcher is a tool for quick creation of patches against a project source tree. \
11      Patcher functionality resembles a lightweight version control system. \
12      It has no repository, and only controls differences between a pristine version and a working copy. \
13homepage http://labix.org/patcher
14platforms darwin
15master_sites http://labix.org/download/patcher/
16depends_lib port:python25
17checksums md5 afb7d5e5cbbf8812c6a67017c8498baf  \
18          sha1 28ab198cfd9a1ee9a3d0af379849643e91a44832 \
19          rmd160 d400a3c7fde78bba7a1607d281b885596e9e68bb