Ticket #14104: Portfile.diff

File Portfile.diff, 1.1 KB (added by meissnem@…, 17 years ago)

Portfile patch

  • Portfile

    11# $Id: Portfile 27601 2007-08-10 15:12:00Z nox@macports.org $
    33PortSystem 1.0
    45name            pv
    5 version         1.0.1
     6version         1.1.0
    67categories      sysutils
     8platforms       darwin
    79maintainers     meissnem@gmail.com
    810description     monitor the progress of data through a pipe
    911long_description        \
    1618homepage        http://www.ivarch.com/programs/pv.shtml
    1719master_sites    sourceforge:pipeviewer
    1820use_bzip2       yes
    19 checksums       md5 d0dfbd1a901040cd1d6bc47c0962ca15 \
    20                 sha1 99bee1b992f6ffd4e66c7a83892b0129df32b9ab \
    21                 rmd160 6398044999d44933ad6b1ac88e45d784367f75b4
     21checksums       md5 c0ca1f0cac602ac04ea1d8834231af99 \
     22                sha1 d45afb281f379fa9b1da6c7c5985f5b25a2856bd \
     23                rmd160 0951132e7691ba63981c3441bed8994ec8c90fd0
    2224configure.args  --mandir=${prefix}/share/man --infodir=${prefix}/share/info
     25depends_lib     port:gettext
     27post-patch {
     28        reinplace "s|^# define stat64 stat$||g" ${worksrcpath}/autoconf/header.in
     29        reinplace "s|^# define fstat64 fstat$||g" ${worksrcpath}/autoconf/header.in