Ticket #14111: wget-1.11.diff

File wget-1.11.diff, 1.2 KB (added by nox@…, 17 years ago)
  • Portfile

    33PortSystem 1.0
    55name        wget
    6 version     1.10.2
     6version     1.11
    77categories  net www
    88maintainers ryandesign
    99description internet file retriever
    1111            HTTPS and FTP, the most widely-used Internet protocols. It is a \
    1212            non-interactive commandline tool, so it may easily be called from \
    1313            scripts, cron jobs, terminals without Xsupport, etc.
    14 homepage    http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/wget.html
     14homepage    http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/
    1515platforms   darwin freebsd
    1616master_sites    gnu
    17 checksums   md5 795fefbb7099f93e2d346b026785c4b8
    18 configure.args  --infodir=${prefix}/share/info --mandir=${prefix}/share/man --with-libssl-prefix=${prefix}
     18checksums       md5 b0a4d178672df06435fcbded07cfc054 \
     19                sha1 63a449a7ad0db0b72a7ff9dc9536d8af859fde40 \
     20                rmd160 2d0216e84a8aa124f7e624a61e7095ee8008b8d8
     22configure.args  --with-libssl-prefix=${prefix}
    1923configure.cflags-append   "-I${prefix}/include"
    2125depends_lib port:openssl port:gettext