Ticket #14130: Portfile-vpnc.diff

File Portfile-vpnc.diff, 964 bytes (added by kiehn@…, 17 years ago)
  • Portfile

    old new  
    88name                vpnc
    99version             0.5.1
     10revision            1
    1011categories          net
    11 maintainers         kiehn@stud.uni-heidelberg.de
     12maintainers         openmaintainer \
     13                    stud.uni-heidelberg.de:kiehn
    1214description         client for cisco vpn concentrator
    1315long_description    vpnc is an open source replacement for the commercial \
    1416                    cisco vpnclient. It is supposed to work with the following \
    3941build.args          PREFIX=${prefix} ETCDIR=${prefix}/etc/vpnc
    4143destroot.args       PREFIX=${prefix} ETCDIR=${prefix}/etc/vpnc
     45variant             hybrid-cert description "Enable the support for hybrid and cert modes in vpnc" {
     46    depends_lib-append port:openssl
     47    build.args-append  "OPENSSL_GPL_VIOLATION=-DOPENSSL_GPL_VIOLATION OPENSSLLIBS=-lcrypto"   