Ticket #14191: gnome-planner-0.14.2-update.diff

File gnome-planner-0.14.2-update.diff, 1.2 KB (added by billitch@…, 17 years ago)
  • dports/gnome/planner/Portfile

    11# $Id$
    22PortSystem      1.0
    33name            planner
    4 version         0.14.1
     4version         0.14.2
    55revision        1
    66categories      x11 gnome
    7 maintainers     nomaintainer
     7maintainers     billitch@gmail.com
    88description     Project management application for GNOME 2
    99long_description \
    1010        Planner is a tool for planning, scheduling and tracking \
    1414        Planner is part of GNOME Office, a productivity suite \
    1515        composed of entirely free software, integrated with the \
    1616        GNOME Desktop.
    17 homepage        http://planner.imendio.org/
     17homepage        http://live.gnome.org/Planner
    1818platforms       darwin
    1919master_sites    gnome:sources/planner/0.14/
    20 checksums       md5 2cb0d0c2c34832611dbb489d498e6158
     20checksums       md5 d03081c6562a94b64628689500f55195
    2121distname        planner-${version}
    2222use_bzip2       yes
    3838                --enable-eds \
    3939                --mandir=${prefix}/share/man
     41variant debug {
     42# Enable debug
     43                configure.cflags-delete -O2
     44                configure.cflags-append -O0 -g
    4147post-activate {
    4248        system "update-mime-database ${prefix}/share/mime"