Ticket #14209: patch.p5-error.diff

File patch.p5-error.diff, 794 bytes (added by ghosthound, 17 years ago)

better patch (no \ at the end of the sha1 line)

  • Portfile

    33PortSystem          1.0
    44PortGroup           perl5 1.0
    5 perl5.setup         Error 0.15
     6perl5.setup         Error 0.17012
    67revision            0
    78maintainers         sal@email.arc.nasa.gov
    89description         Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way
    1213                    errors/exeptions that can either be thrown, for \
    1314                    subsequent catch, or can simply be recorded.
    1415platforms           darwin
    15 checksums           md5 81b4847fb893f18a4e85186bca5f4380
     16checksums           md5     c6acfa02e79c0100ecf54478d66064d0 \
     17                    sha1    fb4166b0a5bced202a768b35c59ebf48580727b3