Ticket #14269: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.4 KB (added by raphael@…, 17 years ago)
1# $Id:$
3PortSystem        1.0
5name                         xforms
6version                      1.0.90
7categories                   x11
8maintainers                  raphael@ira.uka.de
9description                  GUI toolkit based on Xlib
10long_description             XForms is a GUI toolkit based on Xlib for X Window Systems. \
11                             It features a rich set of objects, such as buttons, \
12                             scrollbars, and menus etc. integrated into an easy and \
13                             efficient object/event callback execution model that allows \
14                             fast and easy construction of X-applications. In addition, \
15                             the library is extensible and new objects can easily be \
16                             created and added to the library.
17homepage                     http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/${name}/
18platforms                    darwin
19master_sites                 http://download.savannah.nongnu.org/releases/${name}
20livecheck.url                http://savannah.nongnu.org/news/?group=${name}
21livecheck.regex              XForms (.*) released
22checksums                    md5 558b600402430f207e671e2d0d725b6d \
23                             sha1 7ef0655d1ba481a09af643455ec11afdcc28ce8a \
24                             rmd160 f709bea1e2c3a867092e7cc4c7c5c1c60055b6e3
25depends_lib                  port:jpeg \
26                             lib:libX11.6:XFree86