Ticket #14287: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.4 KB (added by raphael@…, 17 years ago)
1# $Id:$
3PortSystem                  1.0
5name                        orrery
6version                     0.9.5
7categories                  science graphics x11
8maintainers                 raphael@ira.uka.de
9description                 a digital model of the solar system within \
10                            Geomview
11long_description            The Orrery is a digital model of the solar \
12                            system, named for the mechanical models of the \
13                            same name (often you'll see one with just the \
14                            Sun, Earth and Moon, as little balls supported on \
15                            wires). The first such was built for the fourth \
16                            Earl of Orrery in the 1700s. It includes all nine \
17                            planets, some of their satellites, and a few \
18                            recent comets. Orrery is a Geomview module.
19homepage                    http://www.geomview.org/
20platforms                   darwin
21master_sites                sourceforge
22master_sites.mirror_subdir  geomview
23livecheck.name              geomview
24livecheck.distname          ${name}
25checksums                   md5 cac12242a1e6477af2c5c1b320e54a50 \
26                            sha1 27c768318bac4a05b6734742997f7c1c36e7962c \
27                            rmd160 80fa23ad4245d4dbb8076526406bbf8b53335899
28depends_lib                 port:geomview \
29                            port:tk