Ticket #14357: migrate.2.diff

File migrate.2.diff, 3.3 KB (added by ebgssth@…, 17 years ago)

sqlalchemy-migrate 0.4.2

  • py-sqlalchemy-migrate/Portfile

     1# $Id$
     3PortSystem        1.0
     4PortGroup         python24 1.0
     6name              py-sqlalchemy-migrate
     7version           0.4.2
     8categories        python
     9platforms         darwin
     10maintainers       nomaintainer
     11description       Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy
     12long_description  Inspired by Ruby on Rails' migrations, SQLAlchemy Migrate \
     13                  provides a way to deal with database schema changes in \
     14                  SQLAlchemy projects. \
     15                  SQLAlchemy Migrate extends SQLAlchemy to have database \
     16                  changeset handling. It provides a database change \
     17                  repository mechanism which can be used from the \
     18                  command line as well as from inside python code.
     19homepage          http://sqlalchemy-migrate.googlecode.com/
     20master_sites      http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/s/sqlalchemy-migrate/
     21checksums         md5 1058cc6e4c180f126d5fb2315976083a \
     22                  sha1 7168e7660674ec9f4b005b7b61ded1d328f28bc6 \
     23                  rmd160 48760ff2a0504e8b372acf63dafe1b1efb0f6824
     24distname          sqlalchemy-migrate-${version}
     25post-destroot {
     26    file rename ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/migrate ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/migrate2.4
  • py25-sqlalchemy-migrate/Portfile

    Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
    Property changes on: py-sqlalchemy-migrate/migrate-0.4.1.tar.gz
    Name: svn:mime-type
       + application/octet-stream
     1# $Id$
     3PortSystem        1.0
     4PortGroup         python25 1.0
     6name              py25-sqlalchemy-migrate
     7version           0.4.2
     8categories        python
     9platforms         darwin
     10maintainers       nomaintainer
     11description       Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy
     12long_description  Inspired by Ruby on Rails' migrations, SQLAlchemy Migrate \
     13                  provides a way to deal with database schema changes in \
     14                  SQLAlchemy projects. \
     15                  SQLAlchemy Migrate extends SQLAlchemy to have database \
     16                  changeset handling. It provides a database change \
     17                  repository mechanism which can be used from the \
     18                  command line as well as from inside python code.
     19homepage          http://sqlalchemy-migrate.googlecode.com/
     20master_sites      http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/s/sqlalchemy-migrate/
     21checksums         md5 1058cc6e4c180f126d5fb2315976083a \
     22                  sha1 7168e7660674ec9f4b005b7b61ded1d328f28bc6 \
     23                  rmd160 48760ff2a0504e8b372acf63dafe1b1efb0f6824
     24distname          sqlalchemy-migrate-${version}
     25post-destroot {
     26    file rename ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/migrate ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/migrate2.5