Ticket #1499: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.1 KB (added by lomion@…, 21 years ago)

Portfile for bonnie.

1PortSystem 1.0
2name            bonnie
3version         1.0
4revision        0
5categories      benchmarks
6maintainers     lomion@mac.com
7description     Disk I/O benchmark utility
8long_description Bonnie is a disk i/o benchmarker. \
9                Bonnie performs a series of tests on a file of known size.\
10                 If the size is not specified, Bonnnie uses 100 Mb but that \
11                 probably isn't enough for a big modern server - you your \
12                 file to be a lot bigger than the available RAM
13homepage        http://www.textuality.com/bonnie/
14platforms       darwin
15master_sites    http://www.textuality.com/bonnie/
16distfiles       ${name}.tar.gz
17checksums       md5 f61cc061a418c3ae308ae362a1ae6490
18pre-extract     { system "mkdir ${workpath}/${name}-${version}" }
19extract         { system "cd ${workpath}/${name}-${version} && gzip -dc ${distpath}/${distfile} | tar -xf -" }
20configure       { }
21build.target    bsd
23destroot        { file mkdir "${destroot}/${prefix}/bin"
24                  file mkdir "${destroot}/${prefix}/share/man/man1"
25                  system "install -m 755 ${workpath}/${name}-${version}/Bonnie ${destroot}/${prefix}/bin"
26                  system "install -m 644 ${workpath}/${name}-${version}/bonnie.1 ${destroot}/${prefix}/share/man/man1"
27                }