Ticket #1534: spambnc.diff

File spambnc.diff, 3.1 KB (added by andrea+darwinports@…, 21 years ago)

The port

  • Portfile

    diff -urN /var/empty/Portfile spambnc/Portfile
    old new  
     1# $Id$
     3PortSystem        1.0
     4name              spambnc
     5version           20040217
     6categories        mail
     7description       Set of procmail recipies which handle known/suspected spam
     8maintainers       andrea+darwinports@webcom.it
     9long_description  The Spam Bouncer is a set of procmail recipes, or instructions, which \
     10                  search the headers and text of your incoming email to see if it meets \
     11                  one or more of several categories (known addresses, rogue ISPs, bulk \
     12                  mail software etc etc). \
     13                   \
     14                  The Spam Bouncer sorts suspected spam into two categories -- mail from \
     15                  known spam sources which is definitely spam, and other mail which is \
     16                  probably spam, but might also be legitimate. It then tags this email \
     17                  with appropriate headers giving the spam classification, and responds \
     18                  according to the parameters you have set.
     19homepage          http://www.spambouncer.org/
     20platforms         darwin
     21master_sites      ${homepage} ftp://ftp.spambouncer.org/
     22distfiles         sb.tar.gz index.shtml
     23checksums         sb.tar.gz md5 203c1a4183510ee86a48f877a25e12f6 \
     24                  index.shtml md5 d1c9d200dfa0bc3c0bbe4afed7b6bf67
     25patchfiles        patch-procmail.rc
     27worksrcdir        ${portname}
     28extract.only      sb.tar.gz
     29extract           {
     30                  system "mkdir ${workpath}/${portname}"
     31                  system "cd ${workpath}/${portname} && \
     32                    gzip -dc ${distpath}/sb.tar.gz | tar -xf -"
     33                  system "cp ${distpath}/index.shtml ${workpath}/documentation.html"
     35configure         {}
     36build             {}
     37destroot          {
     38                  system "cp -pr ${workpath}/${portname} \
     39                    ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${portname} "
     40                  reinplace "s=%%SBDIR%%=${prefix}/share/${portname}=" \
     41                    ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${portname}/procmail.rc
     42                  xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/doc/${portname}
     43                  xinstall -m 644 -c ${workpath}/documentation.html \
     44                    ${destroot}${prefix}/doc/${portname}
  • files/patch-procmail.rc

    diff -urN /var/empty/files/patch-procmail.rc spambnc/files/patch-procmail.rc
    old new  
     1--- procmail.rc.orig    Sat Feb 21 12:07:06 2004
     2+++ procmail.rc Sat Feb 21 12:08:08 2004
     3@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
     4                                      #out and block suspected spam, and to notify
     5                                      #the sender exactly as for other blocked email.
     7-SBDIR=${HOME}/spambouncer            #Directory where SpamBouncer program files
     8+SBDIR=%%SBDIR%%                      #Directory where SpamBouncer program files
     9                                      #are located.  Edit this to point to that
     10                                      #directory on your system.