Ticket #1536: Portfile

File Portfile, 895 bytes (added by reilles@…, 21 years ago)

the promised Portfile

2PortSystem 1.0
3name            lbdb
4version         0.28.2
5categories      mail
6description     The little brother's database for the mutt mail reader
7long_description        This package consists of a set of small tools, \
8        which collect mail addresses from several sources and offer these addresses \
9        to the mutt external query feature. \
10        It can use Emacs bbdb, abook, ldap and evec mac os x addressbook for query\
11homepage        http://www.spinnaker.de/lbdb/
12platforms       darwin freebsd
13maintainers             jtonio@users.sourceforge.net
14master_sites    http://www.spinnaker.de/debian/ lbdb_0.28.2.tar.gz     
15checksums       md5     68664271a4fc7605eec28ecb627a4a06
16distname        ${name}_${version}
17configure.dir ${workpath}/${name}-${version}
18configure.args  --prefix=${destroot}/${prefix}
19configure.args-append  --libdir=${destroot}/${prefix}/lib/lbdb/
20build.dir ${configure.dir}
21destroot.destdir prefix=${destroot}${prefix}
22destroot.target install