Ticket #15576: p5-text-csv_xs-Portfile-0.71.diff

File p5-text-csv_xs-Portfile-0.71.diff, 854 bytes (added by ewen-naos-nz (Ewen McNeill), 15 years ago)

Patch to Portfile to build with Text:CSV_XS 0.71

  • Portfile

    old new  
    33PortSystem      1.0
    44PortGroup       perl5 1.0
    6 perl5.setup     Text-CSV_XS 0.34
     6perl5.setup     Text-CSV_XS 0.71
    77platforms       darwin
    88maintainers     oaf.dk:mni
    99description     Perl module containing comma-separated values manipulation routines
    1414    fields into a CSV string and parse a CSV string into fields.
    1616extract.suffix  .tgz
    17 checksums       md5 9e10d0ccf0aa1111098eca12d0de87a3 \
    18                 sha1 179436e8bf428e9a891b5cb079cb4c3f4a74d409 \
    19                 rmd160 36cacf941299da68f64261550a0a2e0dcd9ca434
     17checksums       md5 a1201befb73819e7b7bb3adf78b08b95 \
     18                sha1 c37891a84cb179036f40a92676a99d31b50bdc26 \
     19                rmd160 470004cfdf6ee398eba24e9a2a966fb0ce9e3c3a