Ticket #15778: macfuse.2.patch

File macfuse.2.patch, 1.6 KB (added by mike@…, 16 years ago)

Updated patch for 1.7_1

  • macfuse/Portfile

    old new  
    6262    # we know the build script generates a .tar.bz2 right next to the dmg
    6363    set tarname [string tolower [string replace $dmgname end-2 end "tar.bz2"]]
    6464    system "tar -xjf $tarname -C ${destpath}"
    65     delete ${destpath}/opt
    66     file rename ${destpath}/usr ${destpath}/opt
     65    delete ${destpath}${prefix}
     66    file rename ${destpath}/usr/local ${destpath}${prefix}
    6767    foreach f [list "pkgconfig/fuse.pc" "libfuse.la" "libulockmgr.la"] {
    68         set path "${destpath}/opt/local/lib/${f}"
    69         reinplace s,/usr/local,/opt/local, $path
     68        set path "${destpath}${prefix}/lib/${f}"
     69        reinplace s,/usr/local,${prefix}, $path
    7070    }
    7171    set libfuse_version 0
    7272    foreach lib [list "libulockmgr.0" "libfuse.${libfuse_version}"] {
    73         set libpath "/opt/local/lib/${lib}.dylib"
     73        set libpath "${prefix}/lib/${lib}.dylib"
    7474        system "install_name_tool -id ${libpath} ${destpath}${libpath}"
    7575    }
    76     system "install_name_tool -change /usr/local/lib/libfuse.${libfuse_version}.dylib /opt/local/lib/libfuse.${libfuse_version}.dylib ${destpath}/Library/Frameworks/MacFUSE.framework/Versions/A/MacFUSE"
     76    system "install_name_tool -change /usr/local/lib/libfuse.${libfuse_version}.dylib ${prefix}/lib/libfuse.${libfuse_version}.dylib ${destpath}/Library/Frameworks/MacFUSE.framework/Versions/A/MacFUSE"
    7777    # delete the whole directory the build script creates
    7878    # when updating this Portfile DOUBLE CHECK THIS LINE
    7979    delete [file dirname $dmgname]