Ticket #15868: patch-macports-no-svn-rsync-from-autoconf.diff

File patch-macports-no-svn-rsync-from-autoconf.diff, 2.8 KB (added by raimue (Rainer Müller), 16 years ago)
  • macports1.0/macports.tcl

    13771377proc mportsync {{optionslist {}}} {
    13781378    global macports::sources macports::portdbpath macports::rsync_options tcl_platform
    13791379    global macports::portverbose
    1380     global macports::autoconf::rsync_path
    13811380    array set options $optionslist
    13831382    set numfailed 0
    13951394            {^file$} {
    13961395                set portdir [macports::getportdir $source]
    13971396                if {[file exists $portdir/.svn]} {
    1398                     set svn_commandline "[macports::findBinary svn ${macports::autoconf::svn_path}] update --non-interactive ${portdir}"
     1397                    set svn_commandline "[macports::findBinary svn] update --non-interactive ${portdir}"
    13991398                    ui_debug $svn_commandline
    14001399                    if {
    14011400                        [catch {
    14281427                    set source "${source}/"
    14291428                }
    14301429                # Do rsync fetch
    1431                 set rsync_commandline "${macports::autoconf::rsync_path} ${rsync_options} ${source} ${destdir}"
     1430                set rsync_commandline "[macports::findBinary rsync] ${rsync_options} ${source} ${destdir}"
    14321431                ui_debug $rsync_commandline
    14331432                if {[catch {system $rsync_commandline}]} {
    14341433                    ui_error "Synchronization of the local ports tree failed doing rsync"
    17811780# selfupdate procedure
    17821781proc macports::selfupdate {{optionslist {}}} {
    17831782    global macports::prefix macports::portdbpath macports::libpath macports::rsync_server macports::rsync_dir macports::rsync_options
    1784     global macports::autoconf::macports_version macports::autoconf::rsync_path
     1783    global macports::autoconf::macports_version
    17851784    array set options $optionslist
    17871786    # syncing ports tree.
    18011800    # sync the MacPorts sources
    18021801    ui_debug "Updating MacPorts sources using rsync"
    1803     if { [catch { system "$rsync_path $rsync_options rsync://${rsync_server}/${rsync_dir} $mp_source_path" } result ] } {
     1802    if { [catch { system "[macports::findBinary rsync] $rsync_options rsync://${rsync_server}/${rsync_dir} $mp_source_path" } result ] } {
    18041803       return -code error "Error synchronizing MacPorts sources: $result"
    18051804    }
  • macports1.0/macports_autoconf.tcl.in

    3535    variable macports_conf_path "@MPCONFIGDIR_EXPANDED@"
    3636    variable macports_version "@MP_VERSION@"
    3737    variable macports_user_dir "~/.macports"
    38     variable svn_path "@SVN@"
    39     variable rsync_path "@RSYNC@"
    4038    variable open_path "@OPEN@"