Ticket #15995: Portfile-lame.diff

File Portfile-lame.diff, 2.3 KB (added by hvdwolf@…, 16 years ago)

patch for lame 3.98 portfile to build universal version

  • Portfile

    old new  
    3030configure.args    --mandir=${prefix}/share/man
     32set my_universal_archs {i386 ppc}
     33set first_arch [lindex ${my_universal_archs} 0]
     35set my_worksrcpaths ${worksrcpath}
     37variant universal {
     38    set my_worksrcpaths {}
     39    foreach arch ${my_universal_archs} {
     40        lappend my_worksrcpaths ${workpath}/${arch}
     41    }
     43    post-patch {
     44        foreach arch ${my_universal_archs} {
     45            if {[string equal ${arch} ${first_arch}]} {
     46                move ${worksrcpath} ${workpath}/${first_arch}
     47            } else {
     48                copy ${workpath}/${first_arch} ${workpath}/${arch}
     49            }
     50        }
     51    }
     53    configure {
     54        foreach arch ${my_universal_archs} {
     55            set my_arch_flag "-arch ${arch}"
     56            set my_cflags "${configure.cflags} -isysroot ${sysroot} ${my_arch_flag} -I${prefix}/include -L{prefix}/lib"
     57            set my_ldflags "${configure.ldflags} ${my_arch_flag}"
     58            set pcp "{prefix}/lib/pkgconfig"
     59            set my_configure_args "CC=\"gcc -arch ${arch}\""
     60            system "cd ${workpath}/${arch} && CFLAGS=\"${my_cflags}\" CXXFLAGS=\"${my_cflags}\" LDFLAGS=\"${my_ldflags}\" PKG_CONFIG_PATH=\"${pcp}\" ${configure.cmd} ${configure.pre_args} ${configure.args} ${my_configure_args}"
     61        }
     62    }
     64    build {
     65        foreach arch ${my_universal_archs} {
     66            system "cd ${workpath}/${arch} && ${build.cmd} ${build.pre_args}"
     67        }
     68    }
     70    destroot {
     71        system "cd ${workpath}/${first_arch} && ${destroot.cmd} ${destroot.pre_args} ${destroot.post_args}"
     72        foreach lib [list [file readlink ${workpath}/${first_arch}/libmp3lame/.libs/libmp3lame.dylib] libmp3lame.a] {
     73            set output_lib ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/${lib}
     74            set lipo_args {}
     75            foreach arch ${my_universal_archs} {
     76                lappend lipo_args -arch ${arch} ${workpath}/${arch}/libmp3lame/.libs/${lib}
     77            }
     78            lappend lipo_args -create -output ${output_lib}
     79            delete ${output_lib}
     80            system "lipo ${lipo_args}"
     81        }
     82    }
    3285livecheck.check   regex
    3386livecheck.url     ${homepage}download.php
    3487livecheck.regex   {The current release version of LAME is ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)}