Ticket #1613: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.4 KB (added by julien.touche@…, 21 years ago)


1# $Id: $
2PortSystem        1.0
3name              hydra
4version           3.1
5categories        security
6maintainers       darwinports@opendarwin.org
7description       parallized login hacker utility
8long_description  \
9                  Hydra is a parallized login hacker utility. Hydra can \
10                  brute force attack on  \
11                  FTP, POP3, IMAP, Telnet, HTTP Auth, NNTP, VNC, ICQ, \
12                  Socks5, PCNFS and more  \
13                  services within SSL support. This port is provided as \
14                  a standalone program to \
15                  avoid installing a full Nessus scanner system. \
16                  \
17                  NOTE: Hydra is included in Nessus!
18homepage          http://www.thc.org/releases.php \
19                  http://www.thehackerschoice.com
20master_sites      http://www.thc.org/releases/
21platforms         darwin
22checksums         md5 c2b9beb20e9234967b399b7f80252677
23depends_lib        \
24                  lib:libssl:openssl
25# need also libdes (in base system: in libcrypto)
27build.type        gnu
28pre-destroot {
29        reinplace "s|PREFIX=/opt/local|PREFIX=${destroot}${prefix}|" \
30                ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
31        file mkdir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
32        xinstall -m 644 ${worksrcpath}/README \
33                ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
36#variant darwin {
37#        pre-configure {
38#               ## error
39#               #ld: Undefined symbols:
40#               #_des_set_odd_parity
41#               reinplace "s|LIBDES=\"\"|LIBDES=\"-ldes425 -lcrypto\"|" \
42#                       ${worksrcpath}/configure
43#        }