Ticket #1673: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.7 KB (added by digdog@…, 21 years ago)


1# $Id$
3PortSystem      1.0
4name            netperf
5version         2.2pl4
6homepage        http://www.netperf.org/
7description     a network performance benchmark
8categories      net
9platforms       darwin freebsd
10maintainers     digdog@opendarwin.org
11master_sites    ftp://ftp.cup.hp.com/dist/networking/benchmarks/netperf \
12                ftp://col.hp.com/dist/networking/benchmarks/netperf             
13checksums       md5 0ba938bc65dac4989639a40fdf892952
14patch           { reinplace "s|/opt/netperf|${destroot}${prefix}/bin|g" ${worksrcpath}/makefile
15                  reinplace "s|-D\$(LOG_FILE) -DNEED_MAKEFILE_EDIT|-D\$(LOG_FILE)|g" ${worksrcpath}/makefile
16                  reinplace "s|NETHOME=\".\"|NETHOME=\"${prefix}/bin\"|" ${worksrcpath}/snapshot_script
17                  reinplace "s|NETHOME=\".\"|NETHOME=\"${prefix}/bin\"|" ${worksrcpath}/tcp_range_script
18                  reinplace "s|NETHOME=\".\"|NETHOME=\"${prefix}/bin\"|" ${worksrcpath}/tcp_rr_script
19                  reinplace "s|NETHOME=\".\"|NETHOME=\"${prefix}/bin\"|" ${worksrcpath}/tcp_stream_script
20                  reinplace "s|NETHOME=\".\"|NETHOME=\"${prefix}/bin\"|" ${worksrcpath}/udp_rr_script
21                  reinplace "s|NETHOME=\".\"|NETHOME=\"${prefix}/bin\"|" ${worksrcpath}/udp_stream_script
22                }
23configure       {}
24post-destroot   { xinstall -m 444 ${worksrcpath}/netperf.man ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1/netperf.1
25                  xinstall -m 444 ${worksrcpath}/netserver.man ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1/netserver.1
26                }
27long_description        Netperf is a benchmark that can be used to measure various aspects of \
28                        networking performance. Currently, its focus is on bulk data  transfer \
29                        and request/response performance using either TCP or UDP, and the \
30                        Berkeley Sockets interface. In addition, tests for DLPI, the Fore ATM \
31                        API, Unix Domain Sockets, and HP HiPPI LLA may be conditionally com- \
32                        piled-in. \