Ticket #17141: patch-faac-Portfile.diff

File patch-faac-Portfile.diff, 635 bytes (added by dbevans (David B. Evans), 16 years ago)

Patch tested successfully on 10.4.11 ppc with both mpeg4ip and libmp4v2

  • Portfile

    33PortSystem 1.0
    44name            faac
    55version         1.26
     6revision        1
    67categories      audio
    78maintainers     pguyot@kallisys.net
    89description     ISO AAC audio encoder
    2324use_autoconf    yes
    2425configure.cflags-append "-D__unix__"
     27configure.args  --without-mp4v2
     28depends_lib     lib:libmp4v2:libmp4v2
    2630pre-configure {
    2731        system "cd ${worksrcpath} && aclocal -I . && autoheader && glibtoolize --automake"
    2832        reinplace "s|-flat_namespace -undefined suppress|-undefined error|g" \