Ticket #17363: Portfile-Books.diff

File Portfile-Books.diff, 2.0 KB (added by nerdling (Jeremy Lavergne), 16 years ago)

Updates version and download, and also adds some missing settings

  • Portfile

    old new  
    1 # $Id: Portfile 27800 2007-08-14 14:18:22Z nox@macports.org $
     1# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
     2# $Id$
    34PortSystem              1.0
    4 PortGroup               xcode 1.0
    66name                    Books
    7 version                 2.2.0
     7version                 3.2.2
    88categories              aqua
    99maintainers             nomaintainer
    1010description             Books provides a virtual card catalog for your personal library.
    1717                                        retrieval, and XML support for importing and exporting \
    1818                                        collection information in HTML and XML.
     20platforms       darwin
    2021homepage                http://books.aetherial.net/
    21 master_sites    http://homepage.mac.com/cjkarr/Books/
    22 distname                Source-${version}
    23 extract.suffix  .tgz
    25 checksums               md5 a7c75e8931dee9b5bc0733a71c3f307e \
    26                                 sha1 2a1460331f9037c2da9112cfd03b19d62ee30d46 \
    27                                 rmd160 0a8932fb148f389f878b1ea89211420f606d9875
     22master_sites    ${homepage}downloads/
     23distname                ${name}_${version}
     24extract.cmd     bzip2
     25extract.suffix  .tbz
     27platform darwin 6 {
     28pre-fetch {
     29return -code error "\n
     30    ${name} ${version} will not install on less than OS X 10.4 and there isn't a
     31    a ${name} 2.x port contributed as yet to accomodate 10.3.9\n"
     35platform darwin 7 {
     36pre-fetch {
     37return -code error "\n
     38    ${name} ${version} will not install on less than OS X 10.4 and there isn't a
     39    a ${name} 2.x port contributed as yet to accomodate 10.3.9\n"
     43checksums               md5 4c832de22a99f8b30e10cd988a8dd36d \
     44                                sha1 e086b62972a243465bd5d1d223c93b4ac0e44f83 \
     45                                rmd160 4a0cf32a8d79daf92fbf80c6e92f5048fe9e82ef
    2947worksrcdir              ${name}
     49prefix          /Applications/MacPorts
    3150universal_variant no
     51use_configure   no
     52build {}
     53destroot {
     54    set appPath ${destroot}/Applications/MacPorts
     55    xinstall -d ${appPath}
     56    file copy ${worksrcpath}.app ${appPath}
    3359livecheck.check regex
    3460livecheck.url   http://books.aetherial.net/wordpress/