Ticket #17616: Portfile.patch

File Portfile.patch, 1.5 KB (added by jan+mp@…, 16 years ago)
  • Portfile

    old new  
    33PortSystem      1.0
    55name            osh
    6 version         20081122
     6version         20081213
    77categories      shells
    88maintainers     v6shell.org:jan+mp
    99description     Ports of the Sixth Edition (V6) UNIX Thompson shell
    1010long_description \
    11                 The osh package contains two ports of the original /bin/sh \
    12                 from Sixth Edition (V6) UNIX (circa 1975). Where osh is an \
    13                 enhanced port of the shell, sh6 is an unenhanced port. \
     11                The osh package provides two ports of the original /bin/sh \
     12                from Sixth Edition (V6) UNIX (circa 1975). Osh is an enhanced \
     13                port of the shell, and sh6 is an unenhanced port of the shell. \
    1414                This package also includes the following external \
    1515                shell utilities: glob6, if, goto, and fd2.
    16 homepage        http://v6shell.org/
    1716platforms       darwin
    18 master_sites    http://v6shell.org/src/
     17homepage        http://v6shell.org/
     18master_sites    ${homepage}src/
    20 checksums       md5 6f3bdb83037bf3fa39c81ece40fe5417 \
    21                 sha1 e0caff3904e253aa76836eb12f36915e08298080 \
    22                 rmd160 ca055f45178109ff8a71912451bb5697468d9fbb
     20checksums       md5 c852ff3144c982f5b6e7a16012f67e88 \
     21                sha1 a097e9ae2ec1de640e4d559b0b6432a2aa2ed06f \
     22                rmd160 e91a58210c26b0cc7a741745572d3195d09199e4
    2424use_configure   no
    4141        build.args-append       CFLAGS="${configure.universal_cflags}" \
    4242                                LDFLAGS="${configure.universal_ldflags}"
     45livecheck.check regex
     46livecheck.url   ${master_sites}
     47livecheck.regex ${name}-(\[0-9\]{8})${extract.suffix}