Ticket #17659: Portfile-lang-mosml.2.diff

File Portfile-lang-mosml.2.diff, 1.2 KB (added by ian.grant@…, 16 years ago)

Newer Portfile diff to fix a bug in the original

  • Portfile

    old new  
    1 # $Id: Portfile 28458 2007-08-31 19:05:57Z mww@macports.org $
     1# $Id$
    22PortSystem        1.0
    33name              mosml
    4 version           2.01_0
     4version           2.01
     5revision          2
    56categories        lang devel ml
    67maintainers       cso@rift.dk
    78description       Moscow ML is an implementation of Standard ML (SML)
    1617patchfiles        patch-configure.diff\
    1718                  patch-src-Makefile.diff\
    1819                  patch-src-Makefile-inc.diff\
    19                   patch-src-launch-Makefile.diff
     20                  patch-src-launch-Makefile.diff\
     21                  patch-src-dynlibs.diff
    2022post-patch {
    2123  file attributes configure -permissions +x
    2325worksrcdir        mosml
    2426build.target      world
    25 build.pre_args    -Csrc DESTROOT=${destroot}${prefix} ${build.target}
     27build.pre_args    -Csrc DESTROOT=${prefix} ${build.target}
    2628destroot.pre_args -Csrc DESTROOT=${destroot}${prefix} ${destroot.target}
     29post-destroot {
     30   system "ln -sf ${prefix}/bin/camlrunm ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/mosml/camlrunm"