Ticket #17835: ncid.patch

File ncid.patch, 13.5 KB (added by meissnem@…, 16 years ago)
  • Portfile

    diff -ur Portfile Portfile
    33PortSystem              1.0
    55name                    ncid
    6 version                 0.70
    7 revision                1
     6version                 0.72
    87categories              net
    98maintainers             ryandesign
    109homepage                http://ncid.sourceforge.net/
    1110master_sites            sourceforge
    1211platforms               darwin
     12distname                ${name}-${version}-src
    1313worksrcdir              ${name}
    1414use_configure           no
    1515build.target            local
    3434    to each connected client.
    3636checksums \
    37     md5 e179fbac6ab04ed3015fdf4e1c2a33f6 \
    38     sha1 287ebd8181f94be6a252edb10bf8b3593ac50d60 \
    39     rmd160 3da3269e9c8dd1da1c9ddf3b1e7be180230979a9
     37    md5 a2fa193d1744d458261c2d078cd17fd1 \
     38    sha1 b570ec1b10144677bde06ccd2c387a741cf8dfc9 \
     39    rmd160 7d891f3ea559df6d350571d7ebc806bc56512b11
    4141patchfiles \
    4242    patch-Makefile.diff \
    4646    reinplace "s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g" \
    4747        ${worksrcpath}/Makefile \
    4848        ${worksrcpath}/man/ncid.1 \
     49        ${worksrcpath}/man/ncid.conf.5 \
    4950        ${worksrcpath}/man/ncidd.8 \
     51        ${worksrcpath}/man/ncidd.alias.5 \
     52        ${worksrcpath}/man/ncidd.conf.5 \
    5053        ${worksrcpath}/man/ncidmodules.1 \
     54        ${worksrcpath}/man/ncidmodules.conf.5 \
    5155        ${worksrcpath}/man/ncidrotate.1 \
    5256        ${worksrcpath}/man/ncidsip.8 \
     57        ${worksrcpath}/man/ncidtools.1 \
    5358        ${worksrcpath}/man/sip2ncid.8 \
    54         ${worksrcpath}/man/yac2ncid.1
     59        ${worksrcpath}/man/sip2ncid.conf.5 \
     60        ${worksrcpath}/man/yac2ncid.1 \
     61        ${worksrcpath}/man/yac2ncid.conf.5
    5764# TODO: add a startup item / LaunchDaemon plist for the server process.
  • files/patch-Makefile.diff

    diff -ur files/patch-Makefile.diff files/patch-Makefile.diff
    1616        $(MAKE) local settag="Macintosh OS X"
    1818 mac-install:
    19 -       $(MAKE) install-base MAN=$(prefix)/man
    20 +       $(MAKE) install-base \
     19-       $(MAKE) install MAN=$(prefix)/man
     20+       $(MAKE) install \
    2121+            MODEMDEV=$(DEV)/cu.modem
    2323 cygwin:
  • files/patch-manpages.diff

    diff -ur files/patch-manpages.diff files/patch-manpages.diff
    1 --- man/ncid.1  2008-01-27 04:21:20.000000000 -0600
    2 +++ man/ncid.1  2008-01-27 04:26:17.000000000 -0600
    3 @@ -66,10 +66,10 @@
     1--- man/ncid.1  2008-12-07 19:17:03.000000000 -0600
     2+++ man/ncid.1  2008-12-30 20:48:24.000000000 -0600
     3@@ -74,10 +74,10 @@
    44 test for it, and if it is not found, or if it is not executable,
    55 it will terminate with a error message.
    66 .PP
    77-The configuration file for \fIncid\fR is /etc/ncid/ncid.conf.
    88+The configuration file for \fIncid\fR is @PREFIX@/etc/ncid/ncid.conf.
    99 .PP
    10  The distributed output modules can be customized as needed in the
    11 -/etc/ncid/ncidmodules.conf file:
    12 +@PREFIX@/etc/ncid/ncidmodules.conf file:
    13  .PD 0
    14  .TP 12
    15  .B ncid-mythtv
    16 @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
    17  # output Caller ID to output module
     10 The distributed output modules are listed in the ncidmodules man page,
     11-can be customized as needed in the /etc/ncid/ncidmodules.conf file:
     12+can be customized as needed in the @PREFIX@/etc/ncid/ncidmodules.conf file:
     13 .PP
     14 Whenever the server connection is broken, \fIncid\fR will normally try
     15 to reconnect once a minute.  It provides a visual record of the countdown
     16@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@
     17 .TP
     18 .B --pidfile | -p
     19 Name of PID file to create.
     20-Set to \fI/var/run/ncid.pid\fB in a rc or init script when used as a service.
     21-Set to \fI/var/run/OUTPUTMODULE.pid\fB in a rc or init script when used as
     22+Set to \fI@PREFIX@/var/run/ncid.pid\fB in a rc or init script when used as a service.
     23+Set to \fI@PREFIX@/var/run/OUTPUTMODULE.pid\fB in a rc or init script when used as
     24 a service and when using a output module.
     25 There is no default.  If pidfile is not set, no pid file will be used.
     26 .TP
     27@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
     28 Name of the output module (program) to use.  Some output modules are
     29 ncid-page, ncid-popup, and ncid-speak.
     30 .br
     31-Default PATH: /usr/share/ncid
     32+Default PATH: @PREFIX@/share/ncid
     33 .br
     34 Default PROGRAM: ncid-speak
     35 .TP
     36@@ -190,9 +190,9 @@
     37 Default: 3333
     38 .PD
     39 .SH FILES
     42 .br
     45 .SH EXAMPLES
     46 .nf
     47 # run ncid in a terminal window, server on remote host
     48@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
    1849 ncid --no-gui --call-prog --program ncid-speak
    19  # output NAME & NUMBER to GUI and output module
     51 # send CID output to GUI and speak it
    2052-ncid --call-prog --program /usr/local/bin/ncid-speak
    2153+ncid --call-prog --program @PREFIX@/bin/ncid-speak
    22  # output NAME & NUMBER to GUI and all CID info to output module
    23  ncid --all --call-prog --program ncid-page
    24  # output all CID info to output module after third ring
    25 --- man/ncidd.8 2008-01-27 04:21:20.000000000 -0600
    26 +++ man/ncidd.8 2008-01-27 04:26:30.000000000 -0600
    27 @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
     55 # send CID output to a cell phone after third ring
     56 ncid --no-gui --call-prog --program ncid-page --ring 3
     57--- man/ncidd.8 2008-12-08 13:26:37.000000000 -0600
     58+++ man/ncidd.8 2008-12-30 20:48:24.000000000 -0600
     59@@ -98,17 +98,17 @@
     60 .B -A <file> | --alias <file>
     61 Alias file.
     62 .br
     63-Default: /etc/ncid/ncidd.alias
     64+Default: @PREFIX@/etc/ncid/ncidd.alias
     65 .TP
     66 .B -C <file> | --config <file>
     67 Config file.
     68 .br
     69-Default: /etc/ncid/ncidd.conf
     70+Default: @PREFIX@/etc/ncid/ncidd.conf
     71 .TP
     72 .B -c <file> | --cidlog <file>
     73 Call log data file.
     74 .br
     75-Default: /var/log/cidcall.log
     76+Default: @PREFIX@/var/log/cidcall.log
     77 .TP
     78 .B -D | --debug
     79 Debug mode.
     80@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
     81 .B -d <file> | --datalog <file>
     82 Data log data file, usually from a modem.
     83 .br
     84-Default: /var/log/datalog.log
     85+Default: @PREFIX@/var/log/datalog.log
     86 .TP
     87 .B -e <identifier> | --lineid <identifier>
     88 The telephone line identifier can be set if the server is monitoring
     89@@ -142,12 +142,12 @@
     90 .B -L <file> | --logfile <file>
     91 Server logfile.
     92 .br
     93-Default: /var/log/ncidd.log
     94+Default: @PREFIX@/var/log/ncidd.log
     95 .TP
     96 .B -l <file> | --lockfile <file>
     97 Modem lockfile.
     98 .br
     99-Default: /var/lock/LCK..modem
     100+Default: @PREFIX@/var/lock/LCK..modem
     101 .TP
     102 .B -M <MaxBytes> | --cidlogmax <MaxBytes>
     103 Set the maximum CID call log file size in bytes.
     104@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
     105 .TP
    28106 .B -P <pidfile> | --pidfile <pidfile>
    29  Server PID file
     107 Server PID file.
     108-Set to \fI/var/run/ncidd.pid\fB in a rc or init script when used as a service.
     109+Set to \fI@PREFIX@/var/run/ncidd.pid\fB in a rc or init script when used as a service.
     110 The program will still run if it does not have permission to write a pidfile.
     111 There is no default.  If pidfile is not set, no pid file will be used.
     112 .TP
     113@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
     114 .B -t <ttyport> | --ttyport <ttyport>
     115 Modem device file, or serial port that provides Caller ID information.
    30116 .br
    31 -Default: /var/run/ncidd.pid
    32 +Default: @PREFIX@/var/run/ncidd.pid
     117-Default: /dev/modem
     118+Default: /dev/cu.modem
    33119 .TP
    34  .B -p <port> | --port <port>
    35  Server port.
    36 --- man/ncidmodules.1   2007-06-30 13:27:24.000000000 -0500
    37 +++ man/ncidmodules.1   2008-01-27 04:26:44.000000000 -0600
    38 @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
     120 .B -V | --version
     121 Display the version number.
     122--- man/ncidmodules.1   2008-12-10 08:15:15.000000000 -0600
     123+++ man/ncidmodules.1   2008-12-30 20:48:24.000000000 -0600
     124@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
    39125 .B ncid-yac\^
    41127 These are CID output modules and are normally located in the
    44130 directory.
    45131 .PP
    46132 The client,
    47 @@ -50,10 +50,10 @@
    48  .RE
     133@@ -64,10 +64,10 @@
     134 data to standard output.  This makes it useful for troubleshooting.
    49135 .PP
    50136 The Output Module configuration file is
    51137-.I /etc/ncid/ncidmodules.conf
    58144 ncid.1,
    59145 ncidmodules.conf.5,
    60146--- man/ncidrotate.1    2007-06-30 13:30:35.000000000 -0500
    61 +++ man/ncidrotate.1    2008-01-27 04:26:58.000000000 -0600
     147+++ man/ncidrotate.1    2008-12-30 20:48:24.000000000 -0600
    62148@@ -8,18 +8,18 @@
    63149 {prerotate|postrotate}
    82168 .SH SEE ALSO
    83169 ncid.1,
    84170 ncidrotate.conf.5,
    85 --- man/ncidsip.8       2008-01-27 04:21:20.000000000 -0600
    86 +++ man/ncidsip.8       2008-01-27 04:27:09.000000000 -0600
    87 @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
    88  Specifies the pidfile name to write.  The program will still run if
    89  it does not have permission to write a pidfile.
    90  .br
    91 -Default pidfilename: /var/run/ncidsip.pid
    92 +Default pidfilename: @PREFIX@/var/run/ncidsip.pid
    93  .TP
    94  .B -h | --help
    95  Prints this help
    96 --- man/sip2ncid.8      2007-10-30 22:48:07.000000000 -0500
    97 +++ man/sip2ncid.8      2008-01-27 04:27:19.000000000 -0600
    98 @@ -32,13 +32,13 @@
     171--- man/ncidsip.8       2008-12-08 22:37:27.000000000 -0600
     172+++ man/ncidsip.8       2008-12-30 20:48:24.000000000 -0600
     173@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
    99174 the libpcap library and snoops only udp traffic on the specified SIP
    100175 host and port.
    101176 .PP
     177-The configuration file for \fIncidsip\fR is /etc/ncid/ncidsip.conf.
     178+The configuration file for \fIncidsip\fR is @PREFIX@/etc/ncid/ncidsip.conf.
     179 .SH "OPTIONS"
     180 .TP
     181 .B -s <[host][:port]> | --sip=<[host][:port]>
     182@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
     183 .TP
     184 .B -p <filename> | --pidfile=<filename>
     185 Specifies the pidfile name to write.
     186-Set to \fI/var/run/ncidsip.pid\fB in a rc or init script when used as a service.
     187+Set to \fI@PREFIX@/var/run/ncidsip.pid\fB in a rc or init script when used as a service.
     188 The program will still run if it does not have permission to write a pidfile.
     189 There is no default, if pidfile is not set, no pid file will be used.
     190 .TP
     191@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
     192 ID line generated when a call comes in, and a CANCEL line if cancel
     193 was generated.
     194 .SH FILES
     198 .nf
     199 CID: ###DATEmmddhhss...LINEidentifier...NMBRnumber...NAMEwords+++
     200--- man/ncidtools.1     2008-08-16 22:28:41.000000000 -0500
     201+++ man/ncidtools.1     2008-12-30 20:48:24.000000000 -0600
     202@@ -41,12 +41,12 @@
     203 .B -a aliasfile
     204 Set the alias file to \fIaliasfile\fR
     205 .br
     206-Default: /etc/ncid/ncidd.alias
     207+Default: @PREFIX@/etc/ncid/ncidd.alias
     208 .TP
     209 .B -c cidlog
     210 Set the CID call file to \fIcidlog\fR
     211 .br
     212-Default: /var/log/cidcall.log
     213+Default: @PREFIX@/var/log/cidcall.log
     214 .PD
     215 .SS "Arguments"
     216 .PD 0
     217@@ -54,12 +54,12 @@
     218 .B cidlog
     219 The CID call file.
     220 .br
     221-Default: /var/log/cidcall.log
     222+Default: @PREFIX@/var/log/cidcall.log
     223 .TP
     224 .B configfile
     225 The ncidd configuration file.
     226 .br
     227-Default: /etc/ncid/ncidd.conf
     228+Default: @PREFIX@/etc/ncid/ncidd.conf
     229 .TP
     230 .B newcidlog
     231 The updated CID log file.
     232--- man/sip2ncid.8      2008-12-08 22:36:55.000000000 -0600
     233+++ man/sip2ncid.8      2008-12-30 20:48:24.000000000 -0600
     234@@ -32,18 +32,18 @@
     235 found to the NCID server specified.  Snoops only udp traffic on the
     236 specified SIP host and port.
     237 .PP
     238-If \fI/var/log/sip2ncid.log\fR exists, it is used as a log file.
     239+If \fI@PREFIX@/var/log/sip2ncid.log\fR exists, it is used as a log file.
     240 .PP
     241-If a pid file is given, usually \fI/var/run/sip2ncid.pid\fB, then
     242+If a pid file is given, usually \fI@PREFIX@/var/run/sip2ncid.pid\fB, then
     243 a pid file used to store the process ID.
     244 .PP
    102245-The configuration file for \fIsip2ncid\fR is /etc/ncid/sip2ncid.conf.
    103246+The configuration file for \fIsip2ncid\fR is @PREFIX@/etc/ncid/sip2ncid.conf.
    104247 .SH "OPTIONS"
    111254 .TP
    112255 .B -D | --debug
    113256 Debug mode, \fIsip2ncid\fR stays attached to the terminal.
    114 @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
    115  Specifies the pidfile name to write.  The program will still run if
    116  it does not have permission to write a pidfile.
    117  .br
    118 -Default PID filename: /var/run/sip2ncid.pid
    119 +Default PID filename: @PREFIX@/var/run/sip2ncid.pid
    120  .TP
    121  .B -r <dumpfile> | --readfile <dumpfile>
    122  Read packets from a libpcap capture file instead of the network.
    123 @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
     257@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
     258 .B -L <filename> | --logfile=<filename>
     259 Specifies the logfile name to use.  The logfile must exist before it is used.
     260 .br
     261-Default log filename: /var/log/sip2ncid.log
     262+Default log filename: @PREFIX@/var/log/sip2ncid.log
     263 .TP
     264 .B -n <[host][:port]> | --ncid=<[host][:port]>
     265 Specifies the NCID server to connect to.  Port may be specified by
     266@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
     267 .TP
     268 .B -P <filename> | --pidfile=<filename>
     269 Specifies the pidfile name to write.
     270-Set to \fI/var/run/ncidd.pid\fB in a rc or init script when used as a service.
     271+Set to \fI@PREFIX@/var/run/ncidd.pid\fB in a rc or init script when used as a service.
     272 The program will still run if it does not have permission to write a pidfile.
     273 There is no default.  If pidfile is not set, no pid file will be used.
     274 .TP
     275@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
    124276 This also sets the debug option, verbose to level 3, and no filter
    125277 is applied.  Mostly only useful for development and debug purposes.
    126278 .SH FILES
    130282 .nf
    131283 CID: ###DATE<MMDDHHMM>...LINE<####>...NMBR<###########>...NAME<words>+++
    132284--- man/yac2ncid.1      2007-09-16 12:49:56.000000000 -0500
    133 +++ man/yac2ncid.1      2008-01-27 04:27:45.000000000 -0600
     285+++ man/yac2ncid.1      2008-12-30 20:48:24.000000000 -0600
     286@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
     287 It is important to understand that to run YAC server with NCID
     288 clients you must run YAC2NCID gateway as well as NCID server.
     289 .PP
     290-The configuration file for \fIncid\fR is \fI/etc/ncid/ncid.conf\fR.
     291+The configuration file for \fIncid\fR is \fI@PREFIX@/etc/ncid/ncid.conf\fR.
     292 It may be located in same directory as the script, or in the
     293 \fIetc\fR directory, or in NCID default configuration directory.
     294 Read the comments in the config file for more details.
    134295@@ -48,6 +48,6 @@
    136297 netcat: /usr/bin/nc