Ticket #17842: patch-mg-Portfile.diff

File patch-mg-Portfile.diff, 923 bytes (added by lfk@…, 16 years ago)

mg20081211 update, patch against dist portfile

  • Portfile

    old new  
    33PortSystem      1.0
    55name            mg
    6 version         20070918
     6version         20081211
    77categories      editors
    88description     small Emacs-like editor
    99long_description    Micro GNU/Emacs: a small, fast, lightweight, emacs-like editor.\
    maintainers kerbit.net:lfk 
    1414homepage        http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanb/software/mg
    1515master_sites    ${homepage}
     16patchfiles      patch-compile.diff
    17 checksums  md5  1299677cf22fba1f9535e91d8833c68e \
    18            sha1 a1301327620c1a361180fbc89dc8d188558e9aa1
     18checksums  md5  5dc1929fd6a79c319a663b81f8680601 \
     19           sha1 5dff2e7ef240df03941a6af377d5838892bf21ff
    2021# The mg sources have a cludge for a configure script that accepts no options
    2122# so subvert any attempt to pass args to it by setting configure.pre_args to nothing